Neon Pops In 1960s Villa Remodel By Amélie – Carpentras, France

screen shot at Neon Pops In 1960s Villa Remodel By Amélie – Carpentras, France dream home building

With its virtually cinematic allure and quirky pops of bright colour, this remodeled 1960s villa situated close to Carpentras, Francedisplays a modern method to easy, but stunning interior design and style. Envisioned by talented neighborhood decorator, Amélie, this home, even though a rather nondescript dwelling prior to the transformation, has grow to be a believed-provoking dwelling waiting to be rediscovered.

This entire dream property possesses a backdrop of a serene black-and-white palette. With a fabric wall mural depicting mirror-image elephants, white and acrylic modular seating, and a operating fireplace with a base of absolutely-arranged wooden logs, this contemporary living space is something but standard. A focal point of this interior style is the central, low-standing coffee table which proclaims “yes” in a neon coral-red. Nearby a sizeable reclaimed wooden stump side table bears the notion “1 Love” and exposes a crack of that identical neon hue, imaginatively tying the two furnishings together.

screen shot at Neon Pops In 1960s Villa Remodel By Amélie – Carpentras, France dream home building

Just off of the living region is the dining area which is highlighted by a massive, rustic timber table, a spectacular contrast to the ultra-contemporary, white molded chairs that surround it. Single-bulbs dangling from simple wires add a sparing touch, while a square grey and vibrant orange-red canvas add both texture and warmth to this exclusive interior space.

screen shot at Neon Pops In 1960s Villa Remodel By Amélie – Carpentras, France dream home building

About the corner to the open staircase, an additional unexpected pop of that neon red colour meets the eye in the form of a help beam. Once upstairs, the master suite entices with far more tonal touches of grey, black and white. That identical theme is carried via to the bathroom where a skylight basks the white walls, sink and tub in shining light.

screen shot at Neon Pops In 1960s Villa Remodel By Amélie – Carpentras, France dream home building

A breathtaking centerpiece is the stand-alone cylindrical shower which is situated close to a window to the outdoors and beckons natural light. Completed in a contemporary concrete hue, the shower structure harmoniously ties to the adjacent sink of the very same material.

Interestingly, Carpentras is recognized for its classic confectionary of brightly-striped, tough candies. Perhaps one could attribute the interior style perfection of surprising colour usage all through this remodeled villa to this sweet tidbit of neighborhood culture.(via)

Pictures : Henri Del Olmo

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